Friday, 4 February 2011

Mise En Scene Blog

Costume -
Grace: Grace is a lower class single Mum, with not  a lot of money. So her costume will include trackies and a jumper/hoody. This will show and contrast with Harry's outfit due to that fact shes a lower class than him and is a lot less wealthy.
Harry - A suit, to show his importance and wealthiness. Smart hair and shoes also.

Location: We chose to use one of our group members homes for our opening scene, this is because the building is suitable. moreover, if we were to film in a public place other members of the public may get in the way (e.g. walking across our shot). we also chose to film our murder scene in one of our group members garage. we chose here because we think it will create the right kind of dark atmosphere which we want to display, and that is needed for thriller.

Lighting: The lighting will depend on the day itself when shooting the first few minutes of our sequence, although when Harry wakes up in the garage before being tortured, we will have to make it dark and shadowy. This will make the whole scene seem more dark and scary, and will create the right mood and atmosphere. We will use little lighting and make Grace's shadows heavy and dark, to make her seem more superior than Harry, as she in the one in control in this scene.

 Props: As Harry's buisness is involving bananas we will need a few for him to bring to Grace's house. Although the main area where props are needed is the torture scene, where we will need to all bring in some type of torture method. Although this could be dangerous, so they cannot be real.
Props such as : fake knifes, plastic guns and hammers, nails, matches. We realise that we have to be careful whislt using these toys and will take great care whist doing so.

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