Friday, 18 March 2011

Final Peer Feedback

1. Describe the type of camerawork which has been used. Do you think it is effective? Why?
POV shot, Close up, Handheld which helped show intensity, Long Shots, Mid Shots, Panning Shot and good Reaction Shot. This collection of various camera shots creates an interesting opening sequence.

2. What type of sound has been used?Does it work with the visuals? How?
Intense Music, with speech added to the effect of the storyline. With added both non-diegetic and diegetic sound.

3. How has the mise-en-scene been constructed? Does it have an impact on the thriller genre?
Realistic costumes, the fake poison helped construct the narrative, again location helped create the sense of realism. Good aspects of thriller genre.

4. What editing techniques have been used?
Effective transitions and credits. Jump cuts made it seem faster paced.

5. Can you think of any constructive criticisms?
Production logo could have been longer, laughter in the background needs to be taken out. More editing techniques could be used.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Plan For This Lesson - Tuesday 15th March

This lesson we will be focusing mainly on editing and blogging. We have the main part of our sequence but we need to get the continuity flowing and possibly add in some effects where needed. The  sequence was potentially too long as it can only be 2 minutes, so by using things such as cuts in the right places, we can get the scenes still making sense but also shortening it at the same time.

Filming Outcome

Filming went reasonably well, we managed to get to location and shoot everything all in one session. Although due to circumstances out of our control, we were unable to shoot in the garage leaving us unable to do our garage scene. As a result of this we did not film the torture scene but we have scenes that connotate that the character Harry is in danger/hurt instead like when he's dragged away.

Film Name - Maniacal

The name we chose for our film is Maniacal.
This term comes from the word maniac which is a person who distributes extreme wild or violent behaviour.
Maniacal means to be affected with or suggestive of madness of which we see madness displayed by the girl in our opening sequence.

Peer Feedback From The Other Class

Good use of Continuity
Good Camerawork

No background music
Suit with Nike air max's - we found this comment not really relevant
Wasn't really connected to the Thriller genre

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Peer Feedback from Brett, Tutal, Lover and James

Camera Work - Mid/Close shots and long shot.

Mise-en-scene - suit and casul clothing to suit the house/scene. Works with genre as it looks serious.

Sound - Footsteps on gravel (loud), door opening.

Editing - Not much editing yet, but use of shot types excellent.

Group comment - sound quite loud but clear. Talking mega lolz.
Improvement - more editing to catch the thriller genre.

Thriller Open Sequence Rough Cut

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

what are your top tips for filming??

Some of my top tips for filming.

One of our main tricks we found vie a process of elimination, is when shooting a medium or close up of a character (when outdoors especially), is to use a mirror of large white sheet to counter the shadow on tone side of the character's face.

Another tips is when shooting a POV scene attach a light/torch to the camera, especially if the POV is for a thriller in the dark (as they usually are). this give more imidiate light to that ever the person if looking at, however it can backfire and look unrealistic if the light is too bright.

Target Audience

Age: Late teens to 30's. We feel this is an appeal to this age range as it being a thriller young children will not be watching our production, due to the fact it would be too complicated or disturbing for them to watch. And with the content that is in our film, we feel that late teens to adults is a good age group. 
Gender: Male and Female. All genders could enjoy and watch our film, due to the fact that it's a thriller, which both genders enjoy. Both genders can relate to the film.
Existing films similar to ones such as ours are; s7ven, The Shining and Psycho. Our target audience may enjoy these because they're all also thrillers and have a similar storyline.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Why Thrillers Thrive

   The reason people go to the cinema to watch a thriller is because our civilization has blocked out the elements of what should be everyday life that allow us to feel 'thrills', and the only other way that people can feel this is to watch others doing so. To a degree getting your 'thrills' through a screen could be seen as the best alternative as you don't receive the consequences of getting them, consequences such as injury, or emotional scarring. Attending a cinema to get these 'thrills' allows the audience to be safer and secure when getting the their source of adrenaline.
   Whilst watching unconventional things of peoples everyday life unfold on a screen, the message that is eventually passed on to the audience is how the actions that unravel are only acceptable on the screen and not to be practiced outside of the cinema.

Shot List

Location Recce

Location one - Emilys house - Soham.
Interior - The only rooms in Emily's house that we will be using are the hall, the living room and the kitchen. We will use these for shots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9. The only risks I can find with filming in these areas is the fact that in the kitchen there are such utensils such as knifes and ovens and microwaves, and with all the equipment in there things might get knocked over or in the way.

Location two - The garage - Soham.
Interior - The inside of the garage is large but does have some items still in it. But this will make it look realistic. We will use this this location for shots 10 and 11. The possible risks that could occur would be if we used the loft, and using the stairs  to climb and up down the stairs.

Shooting Schedule

10:00am - Pick up equipment from college.

11:00am - Arrive at set location.

11:15am - Test shots. (Location 1)

11:45am - Film shot 1.

12:00pm - Film shot 2.

12:15pm - Break.

12:30pm - Film shot 3.

12:45pm - Film shot 4.

1:00pm - Break (check through footage)

1:30pm - Film shots 5 6 7

2:00pm - Film shots 8 9

2:30pm - Move to location 2.

2:45pm - Film shots 10 11 12.

3:30pm - FINISHED.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Mise En Scene Blog

Costume -
Grace: Grace is a lower class single Mum, with not  a lot of money. So her costume will include trackies and a jumper/hoody. This will show and contrast with Harry's outfit due to that fact shes a lower class than him and is a lot less wealthy.
Harry - A suit, to show his importance and wealthiness. Smart hair and shoes also.

Location: We chose to use one of our group members homes for our opening scene, this is because the building is suitable. moreover, if we were to film in a public place other members of the public may get in the way (e.g. walking across our shot). we also chose to film our murder scene in one of our group members garage. we chose here because we think it will create the right kind of dark atmosphere which we want to display, and that is needed for thriller.

Lighting: The lighting will depend on the day itself when shooting the first few minutes of our sequence, although when Harry wakes up in the garage before being tortured, we will have to make it dark and shadowy. This will make the whole scene seem more dark and scary, and will create the right mood and atmosphere. We will use little lighting and make Grace's shadows heavy and dark, to make her seem more superior than Harry, as she in the one in control in this scene.

 Props: As Harry's buisness is involving bananas we will need a few for him to bring to Grace's house. Although the main area where props are needed is the torture scene, where we will need to all bring in some type of torture method. Although this could be dangerous, so they cannot be real.
Props such as : fake knifes, plastic guns and hammers, nails, matches. We realise that we have to be careful whislt using these toys and will take great care whist doing so.


Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Digital Storyboard Frames (to be completed)



Harry (the brother) is walking down the road towards his sister’s house.  Shot of Harry walking which switches to a shot of Grace preparing torture methods.
Harry walks up to the door and knocks. He waits for a reply. Shot is taken to inside the house showing Grace (the sister) running to answer the door. Shows Grace opening the door.  Harry walks inside.
Both of them walk into the living room and Harry sits down. They talk for a while. Grace gets up to go get them some drinks, the camera follows her. Shows her preparing the tea and pouring the poison in.  Harry drinks the tea and passes out. Harry then wakes up again in Graces shed. Shows Grace torturing Harry. End of scene.


Harry: hi grace, why did you call me over?
Grace: haven’t spoken in a while so thought we should have a catch up
Harry: oh well can I come in?
Grace: Yeah sure
(Harry and Grace walk in to the house and enter the living room)

Harry: how you been then?
Grace: yeah good thanks, how’s the business and that?
Harry: well you know, its all going good, still lots of money coming in.
Grace: brilliant. Would you like some tea?
Harry: yes please
(Grace enters the kitchen and makes two cups of tea, adding poison to Harrys. She then comes back to the living room and joins harry)
Grace: here you go
Harry: ah cheers
(Harry passes out)

The next scene starts with a POV view of Harry waking up in Grace’s garage, the camera looks down showing he is tied up. The scene proceeds to show Grace torturing and killing Harry.

The next scene starts with “6 months earlier”

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Thriller Opening Sequence Mind Maps

Feedback On Our Presentation

After presenting our plans and idea's we received criticism from the audience on what we're missing from our plan and what's good about it. We were told we had a good variety of idea's as our plans featured a few possible idea's. We were also told to think about sound, if music would be featured in our thriller and where and when we would apply it, where we then came to the conclusion that music will be featured but we have yet to go into the detail of where and when to feature it.
The sub genre of crime was good, but we were told that we had to make sure we apply it to the thriller in a clear simple way. A key feature of a crime thriller is that it normally features a murder so as our planned thriller involves a murder, this can express the sub-genre easily.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Planning For Pitch Presentation.

Narrative description:
As a group we have many different ideas to the storyline for our opening sequence.
1) A women is incredibly jealous of her brothers fortune, and ends up killing him.
The opening sequence shows her killing her brother and the rest of the film shows the order of events that led up to the death.
2) A family go on holiday for a week, not knowing that a killer, who stalks the oldest daughter of the family, is staying in same hotel as them.
The opening sequence shows the killer stalking the daughter of the family.
3) Two girls find a dead body in a shop, and the whole store gets locked inside.
The opening sequence shows the two girls finding the dead body.

After discussing the ideas carefully as a group we decided on doing the first idea. The sub genre of the film is crime. We chose this because its an interesting genre and can have a lot of ideas from the genre.
The conventions of a crime/thriller are:
- Has to add a crime, either successful or failed.
- Focus on the criminal rather than the policeman/ investigator.
- Emphasize on action over psychological ascpects.
- The crimes could include: robberies, murders, chases, drug dealings and many others.

Main character - Grace. A middle aged women who is jealous of her younger brothers success and fortune. Single, with a 5 year old child.

Harry - The younger brother who has recently come into a lot of money via the international trade of bananas.

The costumes that the characters will wear will be:

Grace: Everyday clothes to symbolize the difference between her and her brothers fortunes.

Harry: A suit, as he is rich and wealthy.

Location: Sisters house. As we are allowed out of college site, we have a wide selection of locations that we could film in.
For example :
Town center
Characters houses
Fields and large open areas.

Opening Sequence: Harry (the brother) will turn up to Graces house (the sister) unaware that he is going to be murdered. Conventionally this part of the film would be at the end, however, having this at the beginning will instantly catch the audiences attention. They'll being having a conversation and Harry will start talking about his big success and business, which angers Grace. She then goes to make him a cup of tea, and pours some poison in his drink. Harry then passes out and wakes up in Grace's garage. He's tied to a chair, she then tortures him till he dies.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Thriller Production Logo

The color scheme used for our logo shows dark disgusting greens and blood reds, these are representable of the thriller genre as they can be associated with death, horror or anything that might be seen as a key element in any thriller film. The colours used also mirror the stereotype that fall upon leeches, which is, that they suck out human blood and are seen in a negative light due to this.
The background colour for the logo helps to set the tone for the film to come with a murky and dirty feel which also reflects upon the colours in letters and meaning behind the name and picture. adding to this, the colours have a subtle context that may make it more noticeable. Moreover, the production name "LEECH" is suitable for a thriller production company, rather than a thriller company named "Happy Friends Of The World" for instance.



Noone younger than 15 may see a '15' film in a cinema or rent/buy '15' rated films.
The film must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour. Drug taking may be shown but it must not be promoted and the usage of highly dangerous or easily accessible drugs is unlikely to be acceptable. With horror, strong threat or menace is allowed unless sexualised. Dangerous behaviour should not be so detailed as to be imitated. There may be frequent use of strong language. The strongest terms may be used if justified. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest terms may be found unacceptable. Nudity can be allowed in a sexual context if there is not much detail. Sexual activity is allowed to be portrayed as long as it doesn't contain strong detail. Strong verbal references are allowed. There is no theme, content just has to be appropriate for 15 year olds and violence can be strong but shouldn't dwell on the infliction of pain or injury.

Noone younger than 18 may watch an '18' at the cinema or rent/buy '18' rated films.
With the findings of the BBFC and The Human Rights Act 1998, the BBFC guidelines do not overrule the principle that adults should be able to choose there own entertainment so the BBFC guidelines do not really apply. There are some exceptions to this such as if the films content breaches the law or contains material which risks actual harm to individuals or strong explicit images of sexual activity which cannot be justified.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Production Logo Research

This logo was created probably through some sort of editing programme like Adobe Photoshop but probably more professional and expensive software, there seems to be a use of 3D in the editing and the logo clearly displays the productions company name within the image.

This logo was probably also created with an editing programme like Adobe Photoshop. It uses text and an image positioned next to eachother, its not a complicated logo and it clearly displays the name of the production company.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Thriller Soundtrack Planning

We chose this type of soundtrack as we thought that it would be a good plan to use for our own final soundtrack. Involving no diegetic sound, just non diegetic the music is melodic and dramatic, showing the thriller genre. Its typically instrumental just like most thriller's are.

Analysis of Sound in thriller opening

Catch Me If You Can
The opening sequence of Catch Me If You Can is completely non-diegetic.  The sound matched the usual sound you'd expect to hear in a thriller opening as it was instrumental, melodic and dramatic.

The opening sequence is also non-diegetic but it also features the diegetic sound of speech from the characters. Vertigo also featured the typical instrumental music, and it was fast and upbeat to create suspense.

Face Off
This opening sequence is also quite instrumental in Face Off. At the start we hear chimes and its quite peaceful and slow. There is a sudden change in the music when the location and character changes on screen the music becomes a more heavily instrumental piece. The music matched the movie sequence itself.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Action Thriller

An action thriller revolves around a race against time and features lots of action scenes (violence, guns etc) with a large amount of explosions and use of props such as guns. The films also feature an obvious antagonist, making us aware of the dangers in the film.   Action thrillers also include elements of mystery and quite noticeably crime, but these are underlying to the action.
Such as in Casino Royale we see the protagonist, James Bond, must stop Le Chiffre, a banker to the worlds terrorist organisations from winning at a very high stakes poker tournament at Casino Royale in Montenegro. This film displays lots of action as James Bond attempts to stop Le Chiffre, but also there's the underlying crime as he is linked with terrorist organisations. 

Examples of action thrillers would be: Casino Royale (2006), The Bourne Identity (2002)  and The Transporter (2002).

Crime Thriller Conventions

Crime thrillers are a mixture of crime films and thrillers, these films usually show successful or unsuccessful crimes, and the repercussions that come with that crime, i.e what they had to do to make the crime successful or what happens to the criminal(s) if the crime is unsuccessful. As a result of this the main characters tend to be the criminals and not the police. Crime thrillers are unconventional in comparison to other thrillers as more emphasis is put on action as the main content, rather than psychological factors of the characters, such as mental illness. Typical themes of these films are serial killers, chases, shootouts, robberies or heists.

An example of a crime thriller is: Seven. We know this is a crime thriller as it falls under one of the conventions and typical themes, police hunting for a serial killer.

Political Thriller Conventions

A political thriller is similar to a normal thriller, the narrative just revolves around political issues and differences. A political thriller usually shows political power struggle. There is usually many plots, illegally schemed to give someone political power or the opposite, to take power away and it can feature a national or international political incident.  The protagonist normally ensures the stability of the government.  We see also that theirs normally a big incident such as a war or international problem but the films also focus on smaller problems going on within the narrative.
 Such as in the film The Manchurian Candidate we see the narrative revolving around a political issue, the Gulf war, but focusing on a problem within, the kidnapping of soldiers and them being brainwashed for specific purposes.
Examples of political thrillers are: JFK (1991),  The Contender (2000),  The Manchurian Candidate (2004) and All The President's Men (1976).

Psychological Thriller Conventions

Film 1: Donnie Darko

Analysis: Based on on Donnies mental state - manic depressive and schizophrenic, he has visions that the world is coming to an end. These disturbing dreams are based upon the exploration of a parallel universe. The concept of reality is challenged with the ideas of traveling to parallel universes.

Film 2: Black Swan

Analysis: A mentally fragile ballet performer goes insane when playing two roles in her performance. The main character is schizophrenic , this character gets her big break, but her co-performer Lily is started to be seen as her 'alternate'. The fact that the main character has a mental illness has a mental illness means that it can be classed as a psychological thriller.

Film 3: The Shining

Analysis: A family heads to an isolated hotel for winter where an evil and spiritual presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific images from the past and from the future.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Evaluation

During our preliminary we had to know about what goes into a thriller, such as suspense. As this was our 2nd preliminary so there wasn't much else we could learn, we just had to put the skills we had already aquired into this and hopefully show all the key requirements such as establishing shot and continuity in a more professional way.
We had difficulties with the filming due to a restricted area (college grounds) and people being around whilst trying to film causing disturbance and unwanted background noise but this could be sorted out during the brief editing process.
For the preliminary Micro elements such as mise-en-scene were taken into account, due to the restriction of the area, there wasn't that much we could do but the part where you find out where the banging and shouting is coming from is set in a dark room and darkness is a connotation of bad/evil, giving the impression this wasn't a good situation. The sound was also crucial, the diegetic sound you hear of the person screaming and banging is also key and adds to the thrillery feel of our preliminary due to not knowing where the sounds coming from.

Preliminary Task Ideas


Preliminary Task Ideas
